Meet a team of passionate people who are the driving force behind the Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival.
YSJF is run by a committee of 14 people and a large group of volunteer volunteers – all without compensation.
We are a non-profit association with the mission to present the best jazz on earth in the medieval city of Ystad.
Everything started in 2010 and we are now in the ninth year.

Committee 2017

Here is the gang that holds together Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival.

From left: Jan Lundgren, Lisbeth Nilsson, Thomas Nyh, Bo Lönnerblad, Ulf Stenport, Peter Wilgotsson, Emil Sjörup, Lars Jernryd, Marie Juhlin, Kjell Ulmfeldt, Itta Johnson, Curt Hansson, Bryan Ralph och Thomas Lantz Photo: Sebastian Meriluoto